Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Class X

                               India's Physical Features

Important terms :-

A sub continent is a big geographical unit which stands out distinctly from the rest of the continent .

This is often referred to the Indian sub continent because India occupies a major part of it .

A small narrow , step sided valley through which a river flows is called a Gange .

Kapid is a place in a stream or a river where the current flows very fast over obstructions .

Estuary is an arm of the sea at the mouth of the river .

Lagoons are salt water lakes which are almost separated from the sea by the formation of sand bar
along the coast .

Differentiate between the following :-

Western Ghats                                                                Eastern  Ghats

They are higher                                                               They are lower 
They rise steeply from the West coast                             They rise gently from the east coast 
The hills are continuous                                                   Hills are discontinuous
All the rivers of the Deccan  plateau rise in this area         Rivers cut valleys through them
Lies along the Arabian Sea                                              Lies along the Bay of Bengal
Western coastal plains                                                     Eastern coastal plains

It lies along the Arabian Sea                                            It lies along the Bay of Bengal
It is narrow and uneven                                                   It is wider and more level
It has Estuaries and Lagoons                                           It has fertile deltas of rivers
It is known as the Konkan coast in Goa,Kanara              It is known as Northern Circars in the 
coast in Karnataka and Malabar coast in Kerala              north and Coromandel coast in the south

Rivers of North India                                                      Rivers of South India   

Longer and slow moving                                                 Shorter and fast moving
Perennial rivers fed by melting show & Monsoon            Seasonal river and rain fed only
Navigable , gently flowing and smooth                             Not navigable as they flow fast
Suitable as a source of irrigation as they are perennial       Not suitable for irrigation as they are

Eastern Himalayas                                                           Western Himalayas

Runs North to South                                                       Runs West to East
Elevation is comparatively less                                         Elevation is more
Rise in altitude is sudden                                                  Rise in altitude is gradual

Class VIII B

                               The Indian Sub - Continent

Important terms :-

A sub continent is a big geographical unit which stands out distinctly from the rest of the continent .

This is often referred to the Indian sub continent because India occupies a major part of it .

A small narrow , step sided valley through which a river flows is called a Gange .

Kapid is a place in a stream or a river where the current flows very fast over obstructions .

Estuary is an arm of the sea at the mouth of the river .

Lagoons are salt water lakes which are almost separated from the sea by the formation of sand bar
along the coast .

Differentiate between the following :-

Western Ghats                                                                Eastern  Ghats

They are higher                                                               They are lower 
They rise steeply from the West coast                             They rise gently from the east coast 
The hills are continuous                                                   Hills are discontinuous
All the rivers of the Deccan  plateau rise in this area         Rivers cut valleys through them
Lies along the Arabian Sea                                              Lies along the Bay of Bengal
Western coastal plains                                                     Eastern coastal plains

It lies along the Arabian Sea                                            It lies along the Bay of Bengal
It is narrow and uneven                                                   It is wider and more level
It has Estuaries and Lagoons                                           It has fertile deltas of rivers
It is known as the Konkan coast in Goa,Kanara              It is known as Northern Circars in the 
coast in Karnataka and Malabar coast in Kerala              north and Coromandel coast in the south

Rivers of North India                                                      Rivers of South India   

Longer and slow moving                                                 Shorter and fast moving
Perennial rivers fed by melting show & Monsoon            Seasonal river and rain fed only
Navigable , gently flowing and smooth                             Not navigable as they flow fast
Suitable as a source of irrigation as they are perennial       Not suitable for irrigation as they are

Eastern Himalayas                                                           Western Himalayas

Runs North to South                                                       Runs West to East
Elevation is comparatively less                                         Elevation is more
Rise in altitude is sudden                                                  Rise in altitude is gradual

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Class VII B Geography

                               The Indian Sub - Continent

Exercise G : Give reasons for :

Ans 1 : Due to tectonic plates movements the crust of the Tethyas Sea was compressed to form the      
Ans 2 : It is not only India that is under the sole control of the monsoon wind because the Himalayas form an 
            arc in the North cutting out all other climatic influences .

Ans 3 : River Ganga drains the melt water of the Himalayan snow because it rises from Gangotri glacier
           at a height of 6000 metres on the Himalayas . It also drains the Monsoon rain water of the Deccan            
           because Chambal and Betwa are the right bank tributaries of the  Yamuna .

Ans 4 : Many rivers rise from the Western Ghats and flow across to the east because the Deccan Plateau
                  from West to East cutting deep valleys making it a dissected plateau .

Ans 5 : The Rann of Kachchh is a salt marsh in Gujarat . During high tide , it is covered by a few metres
             of sea water . The sea water is then evaporated in salt pans .

Exercise I : Compare the following pairs (page no 139 )      

Ans 1 : Rocks of the Himalayas are Sedimentary rocks as rocks of the pleatean are Igneous and 
            Metamorphic  Rocks . 

Ans 2 : Nanga Parbat is the Western limit of the Himalayas in Jammu and Kashmir whereas Namcha Barwa 
           is the Western limits of the Himalayas north of Arunachal Pradesh in Chinese territory .

Ans 3 : Lake manasarover is a fresh water lake and lake Sambhar is salt water lake .

Ans 4 : Rann of Kachchh is salt marsh whereas Sunder bans is a tidal forest .

Ans 5 : Andaman and Nicobar are peaks of submarine whereas Lakhwadeep islands are coral in origin .

Monday, September 2, 2013

class 8B

                         The Indian  sub - continent

Answer briefly : Page 140 

Q 1 : Name the countries that make up the Indian sub - continent ?
Ans : (page 140) The Indian  sub -continent comprises _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from Nepal to Bhutan .

Q 2 : Why is India called a sub continent ?
Ans : (page 122) It is called a sub- continent because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ underlying unity .

Q 3 : Name the three ranges that make up the Himalayan system . Name one peak or town on each range .
Ans : (page 127)The three chains (ranges) are :-
         i) Himadri or the great Himalayas - Average height 6000 m e.g Mt Everest and Kanchenjunga .
        ii) Himachal or lesser Himalayas - Average height 4500 m e.g Shimla and Darjeeling .
       iii) The Shivaliks or the outer Himalayas - average height 2000 m . e.g Dehra Dun .

Q 4 : Mention any three ways in which the northern are valuable to India .
Ans : (Page 128) The value of the northern mountain wall . (point no 1 to 6)

Q  5 : Describe the Indo Gangetic plains in three sentences .
Ans : (page 128 & 129) The northern plains are called the Indo-Gangetic plains _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
        important agricultural and industrial region .

Q 6 : State three points of difference between rivers of North India and those of South India .
Ans : (Page no 133 box) Notes given earlier .

Q 7 : Name the Western and eastern limits of the Himalayan range
Ans : (page 135) more facts point no 7 .

Q 8 : Give a short geological history if the young fold mountains of the north and the Indo Gangetic plains .
Ans : page no 128; In  the distant past about a hundred million years ago _ _ _ _ _ _ to  form the Northern
         Plains .
Q 9 ; why  is the Thar ,a desert ?
Ans : page 125 ; the Thar desert is a desert because _ _ _ _ _ _ eastern branch of the monsoon .

Q 10 : State three points of differences between the Western and Eastern Ghats .
Ans : page 130/notes given  earlier ; The Western Ghats rise in steep steps _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ average
        height of 450 metres with a maximum of 1200 metres .

Class VIII B Assignment - 2

                                Moisture in the atmosphere

Q 1 : What is evaporation ? (page no 47) 
Ans : The change of water_ _ _ _ _ _ _ is known as evaporation .

Q 2 : What is Relative Humidity ? ( page 48)
Ans : Relative Humidity is the ratio _ _ _ _ _ _ _ expressed as a percentage .

Q 3 : What is absolute humidity ? ( page 48 )
Ans :  Absolute humidity is _ _ _ _ _ _ _per cubic centimetre of air .

Q 4: Name the instrument that shows the relative humidity of a place . ( Page 48 )

Q 5 : What is dew point ? ( Page 48 
Ans : Dew point the temperature _ _ _ _ _ _ tiny droplets of water .

Q 6 : What is condensation ? ( page 48 )
Ans : When air is cooled _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is called condensation .

Q 7 : How are cloud formed ? ( Page 49 )
Ans : There are large quantities of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and form clouds .

Q 8 : Describe the four basic types of clouds ? ( page 49 )

Q 9 : When does precipitation occur ?  page 50 )
Ans : When  condensation takes place _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is called precipitation .

Q 10 : What are the different forms of precipitation ? ( page 50 )

Q 11 : How are hailstones formed ? (page 50 )
Ans : Hailstones are small lumps of ice _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that fall to the earth .

Q 12 : How does snow fall occur ? ( page 50 )
Ans : When the air temperature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is known as snowfall .

Q 13 : What is sleet ? page 50

Q 14 : How is convectional rainfall caused ?  page 50 )
Ans  When  the warm air rises _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . It is typical of equatorial regions .

Q 15 : How is relief rainfall caused ? ( page 50 & 51 )
Ans : Relief rain is caused _ _ _ _ _ leeward side or rain shadow .

Q 16 : What is cyclonic rainfall ? Name the regions which receive cyclonic rainfall ? page 51
Ans : Cyclonic rainfall originates  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from the Mediterranean Sea .

( Dear boys of class 8 B I hope that you will do the rest exercises like fill in the blanks etc on your own with the help of your text book )

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Assignment for class VII - A English LIiterature

                          The Story of William Tell .

Q 1 : Why did the Swiss people hate Gessler ?
Ans : The Swiss people hated Gessler because he was a cruel ruler who was full of wickedness and
         pride .
Q 2 : Why did Gessler have his hat placed on the top of a pole ?
Ans : Gessler had his hat placed on the top of a pole because he was full of pride and he ordered that
         everyone who passed the pole had to bow down .
Q 3 : What did Tell do when he saw the hat ?
Ans : Tell was a very good and brave man and he did not obey the order . He walked past Gessler's
         hat and laughed when Gessler's soldiers ordered him to bow down .
Q 4 : What was Tell famous for ?
Ans : William Tell was famous throughout the country as  the hunter . He was said to be the best shot with a
         bow and an arrow for miles and miles around .
Q 5 : What punishment did Gessler give to Tell ?
Ans : Gessler ordered his soldiers to catch hold of William Tell's son and made the boy stand under a tree .
         An apple was placed on the boy's head . Then Gessler told Tell that he had heard that he was the best
         shot in the whole of Switzerland . Hence if he could shoot the apple of his boy's head , he could
         go free .
Q 6 : Why did Tell not agree to shoot the apple ?
Ans : Tell did not agree to  shoot the apple because he said that although he was a god shot no man alive
        could be sure be hitting so small target from so great distance . If his arrow missed the apple by so
        much as a hair , it would kill his son .
Q 7 : What did Gessler say would happen if Tell did not obey him ?
Ans : If Tell did not obey him Gessler said that both he and his son would be killed .

Q 8 : What did Tell's son say to his father when he heard about Gessler's  orders ?
Ans : William Tell's son told his father not to fear and that he would stand very shrill ; he would not move
         at all and that he was not afraid .

Q 9 : Why did the people cheer when the shooting was over ?
Ans : The people cheered when the shooting was over because they could not help praising the courage
          and the shrill of both father and son .
Q 10 : Why did Tell keep his second arrow in the quiver ?
Ans : Tell kept the arrow in the quiver just in case if he missed and killed his son then he would it to kill
         Gessler .