Sunday, August 11, 2013

Assignment for class 6A Literature

Chapter :Written in March by William Wordsworth

Q 1 : Which season is described by the poet in this poem ?
Ans: The spring season  is described by the poet in this poem .The changes that take place in nature at  the    beginning of this season is that the stream  flows , the small birds twitter , the lake glitters and the green fields sleep in the sun .

Q 2 : What is meant by saying that the green field sleeps ?
Ans : The green field sleeps means  the cold winter season the fields are green with fresh grass and they
         seem to bask or enjoy the bright sunshine of the spring .

Q 3 : Quote the lines in the poem containing a striking simile and explain it .
Ans : The simile in the poem is Like an army defeated the snow hath retreated . It means that in winter
        season the whole landscape was covered with snow but with the advent if spring season with its bright
        sunny days , The snow has melted away . The snow has been referred to as the enemy because it
        brings hardships to the people in the winter .

Q 4 : Why do the cattle not raise their heads while they are grazing ?
Ans : The cattle do not raise their their heads while they are grazing because  with the coming of spring the
         meadows are full of fresh green grass and there is plenty of food available .

Q 5 : Which words suggest the sound of the plough-boy's shouts ?
Ans : The words whooping anon-anon suggest the sound of the plough boy's shouts .

Q 6 : Explain the following :

   a) There are forty feeding like one !
Ans : The whole herd of cattle are busy are busy grazing with their heads down  and and when watched from    
        above they look as one .

    b) There's life in the fountains .
Ans : In the winter the streams are frozen but in spring the streams are flowing with water and have plenty of    
         fish .

    c) Blue sky prevailing .
Ans : In the winter the sky is dull and overcast and there is mist and  fog but  in the spring the sky is clear and
        blue and there is bright sunshine . 
