Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Chapters 15 & 13 are coming for second card test

Chapter  15 :- Consumer Awareness

I ) solve the following short answer question with the help of your prescribed text book .  
  a) Who is a consumer ?
 b) What is consumer exploitation ?
 c) What is consumer awareness ?
 d) What is meant by consumer protection ?
 e) What is  COPRA and when did it come into force ?
 f ) What is RTI and  when did it come into force ?
 g)What are the different rights assigned to the citizen of India to collect information ( under the R T I Act) ?

II ) solve the following long answer questions with the help of your text book.

 1) Write a note on the your ways in which a consumer is exploited. 
 2) Explain the reasons or factors causing consumer exploitation .
 3) What is the need of consumer protection (four reasons ) and what are the three factors (methods) 
     responsible for consumer protection ?
 4) Briefly describe the three consumer disputes redressal agencies .
 5 ) Discuss the seven rights of consumers .
 6) Mention seven important responsibilities of a consumer.
 7) Discuss the role of voluntary organisations in consumer education (four ways)

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