chapter VII : Water resources
Answer the following following with help of the book :-
Q 1 : Give reasons why irrigation is necessary in India . (answer is on page 102 )
Q 2 : What are the different types of irrigation practised in India .
Ans : a) Primitive methods - page 103 .
b) Modern methods - i ) Tube wells , ii ) Perennial canals, iii ) Sprinklers, iv ) Drip irrigation - in drip
irrigation water is directly taken to the roots of the plants and trees . A plastic tube is used which has
small holes through which water keeps on dripping steadily . Hence the name drip irrigation .
Q 3 : a ) What do you understand by tank irrigation . (answer is on page 103 )
b ) State two disadvantage of tank irrigation . ( answer is on page 106 )
Q 4 : What is the main difference between inundation canals and perennial canals ?
Ans : Inundation canals ( page 106 ) These canals are " flood water" canals ...............................regulating
system like weirs at their heads .
Perennial canals are those canals which are taken out from the perennial rivers by constructing a weir
to regulate the flow of water . Most canals belong to these group .
Q 5 : Give two reasons why well irrigation is more important in the northern India than in the southern India
( answer is on page 103 ) .
Ans : Wells are found ................... where the soil is soft to allow digging wells .
Q 6 : Give two reasons why tube well irrigation is more important than ordinary wells for irrigation .(PG 106)
Ans : A tube well can water ......... They are also suited to small holdings .
Q 7 : a) Name two states in which tank irrigation is more important than in any other state in INDIA .
(PG 106)
b) Name two states where tube wells are used extensively. (PG 106)
c) What factors allow the construction of tube wells in the states named ? (PG 106)
Ans : There must be sufficient supplies of ground water and fairly close to the surface ........ recovered
from increased farm production .
Q 8 : Explain two disadvantages of well irrigation : (PG 103)
Ans : Wells are dried up during the summers is brackish (salty).
Q 9 : With reference to the BHAKARA NANGAL PROJECT (Answer page 109)
Q 10 : What is rain water water harvesting ?
Ans : Rain water harvesting is the activity of collecting rain water directly or recharging it into the ground
to improve ground water storage in the aquifer . It is the most important technique of storing water and
later using it for various purposes . In these method rain water is collected on the roof tops and is
directed to dry tanks .
Q 11 : Mention two methods by which it is carried out . (PG 111)
Ans : There are many low cost methods ........ stop dams on small streams .
Q 12 : Give reasons why tank irrigation is important in Deccan peninsula . (page 103)
Q 13 : What are the merits and demerits of canal irrigation . (PG 103)
Q 14 : Mention the objectives of rain water harvesting . (PG 111)
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