Friday, August 23, 2013

Class 8 Geography Ch. The Indian sub -continent__ Physical features MAP WORK PRACTICE.

With the help of your atlas , on the outline map of India , mark with appropriate colour and name :-

MOUNTAINS  AND PLATEAUS : Himalayas , Karakoram , Aravalis , Vidhyas, Satpura ,Western and Eastern Ghats , Nilgiri ,Garo ,Khasi, Jaintianhill, Deccan Plateau ,Chota Nagpur Plateau ,Malwa Plateau .

PLAINS : Indo -Jangetic Plains , Coastal Plains-Konkon ,Malabar ,Coromandel , Northern Circars .

RIVERS : Indus, Ravi , Beas , Chenab ,Jhelum , Satluj , Ganga , Yamuna , Ghagra , Gomti , Gandak , Kosi
Chambal , Betwa ,Son , Damodar , Brahmaputra , Narmada , Tapti , Mahanadi , Godavari , Krishna, Kaveri , Tungabhadra .

WATER BODIES : Gulf of Kachchh , Gulf of Khambhat , Gulf of Mannar , Palk Strait , Andaman Sea ,
Chilika Lake ,

PASSES : Nathula Pass , Zoji La , Shipki La ,Bomdi La ,

LATITUDE & LONGITUDE : Tropic of Cancer , Standard Meridian  ( 82.5` E )

TOWNS & CITIES : Delhi , Mumbai , Kolkata , Chennai , Hyderabad , Bengaluru , Kochi , Arinagar ,
Vishakapatanam , Allahbad .

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